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Leaving a Legacy through Thoughtful Giving

Over the past three months, Program Officer Lyndsey Crossley, and I, have been working with a local couple on a bequest arrangement.

They heard about the Community Foundation through their financial/investment advisor, and at her recommendation, they carefully reviewed the Community Foundation through our website and our organizational documents.  I respect this kind of due diligence, and we have always worked to be sure information on the Community Foundation is easily accessed. Their next step was to work with Lyndsey on their plans for their bequest. The couple has unique strategies to help others, and we are privileged to be trusted with the responsibility of carrying out their wishes, exactly as they intend.

This particular couple impressed me in a way no previous donors have.

They had developed, entirely on their own, a mission statement of sorts.  This statement of their objective is so eloquently expressed that I am certain a variation of it will make its way into my trust and ethical will. I am happy to share it with you.
“Leave least possible objectionable residue from our life expression, leave the lives of others better off because we existed, and carry forward the power of money (material wealth) in the most impactful way.  Direct the dispersal of the remainder of assets when we die so that they are used for what we perceive is the best purpose.  Best purpose includes uses that are self-replicating (training, education can be carried forward by others), and are least likely to be subverted by ignorance, greed and power; and support dual/multiple purposes.”
Wow! When it comes to leaving a legacy, this is thoughtful planning. You or your clients may find useful planning tools on our website, They can help you in planning your legacy, and also in conveying the reasons you have for the plans you have made, and the information you wish your beneficiaries to know.  These links will take you to our Wills Planning Guide and Ethical Will Guide. Planning for the future, and the eventuality of which none of us control, can not only bring great peace of mind and satisfaction to you in the present but be literally life-changing for others in the future.  If you would like to talk about ideas to help achieve your objectives for future generations and a better world, please give me a call.  I enjoy nothing better than hearing people’s ideas for the future. Lyndsey Crossley, who manages legacy relationships, and I, will enjoy meeting you and helping you craft your unique plan. Chris Askin, President, and CEO 775-333-5499