A Fund For Good. Forever.
The Northern Nevada Endowment Fund, formerly the Community Fund, supports the community's most pressing issues each year. Grants are chosen by a committee of Community Foundation board members, staff, and community volunteers.
The Northern Nevada Endowment investment earnings generate the annual grants. Gifts of any size are welcome to the Northern Nevada Endowment. Your donation will grow along with contributions from your friends and neighbors to build an unending resource for Northern Nevada.
2025 Grants
Our 2025 grant cycle will complete the partnership between the Community Foundation and the University of Nevada, Reno Community Behavioral Health Collaborative (CBHC). This collaboration has fused student learning with community needs by immersing University graduate students and interns pursuing careers in behavioral health fields into local not-for-profit organizations and community health and human service agencies.
This program, now under the directive of the School of Public Health, will continue to support the delivery of direct counseling services to community agencies to enhance the accessibility and availability of behavioral health services in our region. Additionally, the School of Public Health will work to identify sites that have the capacity to pursue independent functionality and enter into a supportive phased approach with the Center for the Application of Substance Abuse Technologies (CASAT) to become a certified behavioral health provider capable of Medicaid/Medicare billing.
2024 Grants
The 2024 Community Foundation of Northern Nevada Endowment Fund grant cycle extended our focus on increasing access to mental health through the placement of mental health practitioner interns at local nonprofits.
This partnership with the University of Nevada, Reno's Behavioral Health Collaborative aligns with the Foundation’s strategic priority of improving access to mental health care, a persistently, wide-spread need in our community.
2024 grants continued investment into access to clinical/therapeutic mental health services by increasing the number of qualified clinical mental health professionals in our region by renewing over $200,000 in grants to the following organizations:
2023 Grants
2023 Northern Nevada Endowment Fund will support organizations that provide mental health resources and accessibility to such resources. This grant cycle is a partnership between the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada and the University of Nevada, Reno - Community Behavioral Health Collaborative and has two core goals; increase access to clinical/therapeutic mental health services and increase the number of qualified clinical mental health professionals, especially at the masters and doctoral levels.
For the 2023 Grant cycle, a total of $192,418 was granted to the following organizations to be used starting in the fall semester:
- Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada
- Domestic Violence Resource Center
- Eddy House
- LEAD with Horses
- Northern Nevada RAVE Family Foundation
- The Children's Cabinet
- University Health Clinic
Grants will be used as stipends to master and doctoral-level pre-graduate and post-graduate interns and qualified clinical supervisors serving non-profit human services agencies for the purpose of delivering mental health services to those most in need.
2022 Grants
2022 Northern Nevada Endowment Fund Grants Focused on Environmental Issues through Education and Engagement, with Special Consideration Given to Programs Directed Towards Under-served Populations
In 2022, $168,202 was granted to nonprofits working to address environmental issues through education and engagement, with special consideration given to programs directed towards under-served populations:
- Boys & Girls Club of Truckee Meadows - $20,000 for the Outdoor Teaching Garden.
- Boys & Girls Club of Western Nevada - $5,048 for Youth Climate Education and Habitat Improvement.
- Great Basin National Park Foundation - $20,000 for Expanding Great Basin National Park's Reach for the Stars education program and supporting Shoshone and Goshute tribes in programs and participation.
- greenUP! - $20,004 to leverage the NV Green Business Program for Economic Development Opportunities for Rural and Tribal Communities Across Northern Nevada.
- Envirolution - $20,000 for Project ReCharge for Summer Professional Learning.
- Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful - $10,000 for the Environmental Education and Engagement Project.
- Nevada Outdoor School - $20,000 for the Nature In My World program.
- Reno Food Systems - $18,150 for Regenerative Agriculture and Food Systems Education Program with funding designated for two interns from marginalized populations and materials/supplies.
- Sierra Nevada Journeys - $10,000 for the Classrooms Unleashed program.
- Truckee Meadows Parks Foundation - $25,000 for Community Science at Rosewood Nature Study Area.
2021 Grants
2021 Northern Nevada Endowment Fund Grants Focused on Mental Health and Aiding Victims of Domestic Violence
How much does the Community Fund Grant?
2020 Grants focus on meeting emergency needs during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Available grant funds were channeled to the COVID-19 Relief Fund and are granted out by the COVID-19 Relief Fund grant committee.
2019 Grants
Six organizations were chosen to receive grants from the Community Fund in 2019. These programs were rewarded because they touch the most vulnerable in our community in
vital (perhaps life-saving) and lasting ways.
- Catholic Charities
- Child Assault Prevention
- Nevada Coalition to End Domestic and Sexual Violence
- Northern Nevada Literacy Council
- Sierra Nevada Journeys
- Ridge House
2018 Grants
Congratulations to the six nonprofits in Reno who were chosen to receive grants from the 2nd annual Community Endowment grant cycle. Two of the organizations are new and this may be your first introduction to their programs. The organizations were chosen because they work with distinct values of community strengthening, inclusiveness, and volunteerism. The grantees are listed below in alphabetical order and linked to a description of the funded program.
- Bees4Vets
- CARE Chest
- Seniors in Service
- Renown Health Foundation
- Urban Lotus Project
- Veterans Guest House
2017 Grants
The Community Foundation Board and Staff recommended that the 1st annual grants generated by the Community Endowment go to the Eddy House and Sierra Association of Foster Families to support the ongoing Youth Network Initiative.
$120,800 Granted in 2021 to Nonprofits Focused on Mental Health and Aiding Victims of Domestic Violence
The following eight organizations were chosen by the 2021 Community Fund Grant Advisory Committee to receive grants:
Domestic Violence Resource Center for general operating funding
Note-Able Music Therapy Services to fund addressing community mental health needs through music therapy at the WSCO Detention Center
STEP2, Inc. to fund the Victims’ Services Program
Awaken to provide access to mental health services for survivors of sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation (CSE)
Trauma Intervention Program of Northern Nevada, Inc (TIP) to fund TIP’s 2021 volunteer recruitment, training and retention programs
Women and Children’s Center of the Sierra supports WACCS’s domestic violence services in southeast Reno
Community Chest, Inc. for mental health counseling and domestic violence advocate support
Center for Adaptive Riding Equine Therapy for operating support.