Care. Connect. Engage.
Three simple words, three profound actions. These actions define what the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada does—and how we do it. From creating custom charitable giving solutions to bringing people together to solve vexing community challenges, we connect people who care with causes that matter to enhance the lives of all of us.
Manage Your Charitable Giving
Every day, we work closely with individuals and their trusted financial advisors to create custom giving solutions based on their values. For more than 20 years, we’ve helped Northern Nevadans give in meaningful, impactful, confidential ways. From donor-advised funds with the flexibility to redirect giving to designated funds that support a singular cause to endowments that live forever, the Community Foundation is Northern Nevada’s most trusted charitable giving resource.
Supporting the promise of education
Community Foundation scholarships are as varied as our recipients with donors creating funds to meet their personal objectives. Scholarship applications open on January 15th each year.
Grants supporting nonprofits
Here you will find open requests for grant proposals. Our grants represent the generosity of visionary donors and the causes that they value. Many of our community’s nonprofits exist and thrive with the support of these grants.
Funding a better tomorrow
We administer a variety of fund types to meet the goals and needs of our community givers. When you give, we enhance the impact of your gift by combing it with others in the community.
Success stories

Donor Advised Fund
Make an Impact at Any Age
The High School Giving Circle is funded by an anonymous donor to encourage philanthropy at any age. The Community Foundation brings students together who want to support their community by learning and practicing philanthropy. Participating in the program is more than another activity to add to their resume, and it means a chance to make a difference in their community.

Community Housing Land Trust
The Village Adds Nearly 50% More Beds to Support Low-Income Lodgers in Northern Nevada
The Village on Sage Street in Reno is expanding from 216 to 312 units, helping more low-income residents find stable housing. Since 2019, the bridge housing facility has served 516 people, with over half moving on to permanent homes. The expansion will be completed by late 2024.

100% Giving Board Award
114 Nonprofits Awarded for Exemplary Board Giving
114 nonprofits in northern Nevada received the 2024 100% Giving Board Award for exemplary board contributions from 1,282 board members totaling $8.7 million.
Transferring Stock? Use this Simple Form
Trends continue in 2022 as many investors are finding a stock transfer a simple way to support the Community Foundation's work while meeting their own financial and tax goals. Download the Stock Gift Transfer Form here.
Community Foundation at a glance
million in grants given
Over 275
active funds
million in charitable assets
We believe working together will build a better community.
Building housing people can afford, initiatives on caregiving and preventing scams, and offering education about philanthropy are ways the Community Foundation works with residents to build long-term caring solutions. When we pitch in and share responsibility for our community’s well-being, we can increase the quality of life for generations of Nevadans. That is what sets the Community Foundation apart from commercial gift funds. Our mission is not growth, it is service. Our measurement is not assets, it is impact. Our interest is in the community’s interest.

Latest Blogs

35 Scholarships Now Accepting Applications
January 26, 2025