Free Family Estate Planning Series: Expertise and Peace of Mind

By David Stipech
Director of Communications and Marketing
Putting important aspects of our lives in order helps provide a sense of peace and freedom. The earlier you start, the more years of peace of mind you can enjoy. The Community Foundation's free Family Estate Planning Series can help you do just that. The series will be offered in Reno again this spring, beginning March 16.
Presented in conjunction with PBS Reno, the Family Estate Planning Series is an eight-week “course” of 90-minute classes. Each week's class features a different attorney or other expert, so you can learn first-hand about the fundamentals of estate planning; wills, probate and trusts; health care directives; information stored digitally; and other essential topics. You’ll receive a full binder of reference and planning materials, also provided at no cost to you, to guide you in achieving that peace of mind for yourself and your family.
Some people try to do their own estate planning, which can be difficult and end up achieving undesirable results. Others may show up at an attorney's office without even a basic understanding of estate planning, and as the hours add up, it can quickly become an expensive proposition. Without a program like this series, most people don't even know what questions to ask or where to begin, and how would they?
The popularity of the series over the past dozen years stems from both the valuable content and the invaluable presence of the lineup of experts. Attending the free series from one week to the next provides the building blocks that are foundational to effective estate planning – before you ever enter the office of an estate planning professional. Guided by the materials and knowledge you gain from the series, you can work on your estate planning on your own time and at your own pace. Then, when you do decide you're ready to sit down with an estate planning attorney or other professional, you'll be well prepared to make best use of their time and yours.
The spring classes will run March 16 through May 4, over eight consecutive Wednesdays, offered at two times, 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. at Sierra View Library in Reno. To register for the spring classes, email Mr. Jamie Klund, Community Foundation Grants and Development Officer, at or call 775-333-5499, ext. 13. Please indicate how many in the household will attend, whether you want morning or afternoon classes, and how you heard about the series.
The series and the comprehensive materials are provided free to attendees thanks to our non-profit sponsors: the Boys and Girls Club of the Truckee Meadows, SPCA Northern Nevada, The Children’s Cabinet, Food Bank of Northern Nevada, KUNR-KNCJ Radio, Nevada Land Trust, Nevada Humane Society, Northern Nevada Hopes, Renown Health Foundation, TMCC Foundation, and the Washoe County Library System. We look forward to seeing you at the Spring 2022 Family Estate Planning Series!
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada is strengthening our community through philanthropy and leadership by connecting people who care with causes that matter.
Feb. 19, 2022