Washoe County Affordable Housing Trust Fund
A Private/Public Partnership to Incentivize Affordable Housing
The Washoe County Affordable Housing Trust Fund will allow Washoe County to incentivize the development of affordable housing projects in our community. The collaborative efforts of Washoe County and the cities of Reno and Sparks have resulted in public/private partnerships. The Washoe County Affordable Housing Trust Fund is a step towards progress in our affordable housing shortage. This fund allows the private sector to contribute to local affordable housing solutions since these dedicated funds are held in trust to be used specifically for affordable housing.
Washoe County Affordable Housing Trust Fund is the first and only local trust fund in Nevada. There are currently 157 county trust funds in 19 states. Local affordable housing trust funds typically are funded by a dedicated public revenue source; however, some may also act as the repository for private contributions for affordable housing.
Housing is considered affordable when a household pays no more the 30% of its income on housing costs (either rent or mortgage, plus utilities). When households spend more, research shows that they cannot pay for other necessary expenses like food, healthcare, and transportation.
According to Nevada Housing Division 2020 Annual Housing Progress Report, Washoe County needs an additional 41,650 affordable housing units.
By credit card: Use the link below to donate online today. The Community Foundation will provide you with a gift receipt for 100% of your credit card gift. 97% of your gift will be deposited to the Washoe County Affordable Housing Trust fund. 3% of your donation will cover the costs associated with credit card transactions. If you prefer to 100% of your gift directed to the fund you are welcome to mail a check.
By check: Please send your check to 50 Washington Street, Suite 300, Reno, NV 89503. Write Washoe County Affordable Housing Trust on the memo line. We will send a gift acknowledgment letter for your records within a few days of receiving your contribution. All gifts will be reported to the fundholder or designated organization.
If you wish to be anonymous please let us know.
Contribute Stock: To contribute stock contact Lyndsey Crossley, Philanthropic Advisor, at 775-333-5499 ex 12 or lcrossley@nevadafund.org.
SilverSummitt Healthplan is First Donor to Washoe County Affordable Housing Trust
SilverSummitt Healthplan made the first donation to the Washoe County Trust Fund. As SilverSummitt CEO Eric Schmacker said at the check presentation ceremony, "Housing is healthcare. This commitment support needed affordable housing projects in Washoe County and we encourage other organizations to follow suit."