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Act with Hope and Compassion

Just a month ago I thought life seemed hunky-dory. The Community Foundation had big goals for 2020 based on the investment performance and accomplishments of last year.

We felt a sense of excitement and optimism about the future.  Then people began to fall ill, and everything suddenly changed.  This pandemic has been described as the biggest human event in living history. We do not see all the suffering that is happening behind closed doors.  This week Nevada made the national news with the highest per capita increase in unemployment claims in the nation.  A historic number of people in our region are, over a period of days, without a paycheck, and have no idea of when they can go back to work. I don’t think a modest government check will make a huge difference in helping them with their expenses.

But I see hope in action at the local level.

We are able to reach out and help each other, right now.  Health care workers and northern Nevada charities that support basic needs are working harder than ever.  I ask you to help them aid those most in need. Those of us who still have our jobs, still have our paychecks, and the ability to make a gift, or maybe several gifts, now and for as long as it takes - please give.

Fundholders now is the time to make grants from your donor advised fund.

Email Lauren or Lyndsey, or recommend grants online through DonorCentral at anytime day or night. Give to share hope and ease the suffering of those in need and give to express and nurture the compassion inside of you. I know and we can and will get through this, together. I’m making my first gift in response to the crisis today.  Please join me.

  • The Community Foundation has set up a COVID-19 Relief Fund – for relief to address needs arising from the pandemic, now and strategically over the next few months.
  • The United Way has established an Emergency Assistance Fund, working through local charities to help people with rental assistance, utility bills, and food.

Help by sharing information. Connect people who are looking for help with local resources.

The Community Foundation has compiled a resource list with information about where to call for help, including in our rural communities.  Share widely. The United Way also has a resource list with information about where help can be found.  The organizations on these lists all need your support, and many need volunteers if you’d like to get directly involved. This is not charity as usual. Fundraisers, community walks and galas are canceled, and it may be hard to think about giving with the markets reeling from the shutdown.  But now is a time like no other.  For those who have the ability to give, this is the time to give big.  Contribute to help the tens of thousands in our community who work hard, but live paycheck to paycheck, by donating to the charities who are stepping up with direct services.

Giving and gratefulness go hand in hand.

I am now more aware and grateful for the good actions and the brave work I see daily. Thank you to the health care workers, non-profit staff, truck drivers, grocery store clerks, trash collectors, and gas station attendants. Let’s recognize all the people who are working to keep us fed, warm, healthy, and safe as true heroes. They are placing themselves in harm’s way, for us.  My wife is a health care worker at Renown. She gets up and sets off to work every day.  She has always been my hero but my admiration for her and those who do what needs to be done has never been greater. Amid the worry, isolation, and suffering, you can respond with action and hope. Chris Askin, President, and CEO