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Start a Family Donor Advised Fund Today

Read how the Gorelick family's donor advised fund reflects their family values.

It is about you, your family, and your values.

You contribute and get an immediate tax benefit for 2019. Then you recommend grants to charities of your choice - as you decide  - to whom you decide. We vet the nonprofits, write the checks, and handle the paperwork.

Make it a family affair

Families make the most of getting together over the holidays to talk about giving strategies, important causes and family values. Giving together can be one of the most meaningful things you do as a family.  If you wish, our donor services team can help you clarify a family mission statement or giving plans. You may name other advisors (minimum age 18) to join or succeed you in recommending grants.  As soon as we have your signed and funded Donor Advised fund agreement, you and those you appoint can start making grant recommendations. Donor advised funds at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada give you:
  • A simple way of recommending charities to receive grants
  • An immediate tax deduction without having to make decisions right away about which charities to support
  • Services of professional grantmaking, financial, and investment staff. You enjoy the satisfying aspects of philanthropy. We take care of the grant paperwork and reporting.
  • An opportunity to build an endowment over time if you wish.
  • A way to give back to the community you love, places and people you treasure - in your backyard or across the globe.
Click here to learn more about the advantages of creating a donor advised fund with the Community Foundation of Western Nevada or call 775-333-5499. Download a sample donor advised fund agreement